Appointment Booking

এপয়েন্টমেন্ট টিউটোরিয়াল

মেডিক্যাল বোর্ডে এপয়েন্টমেন্ট নেয়ার টিউটোরিয়াল

Sexology, Sexually transmitted diseases, Venereal disease, Sexual relation disease
HD Homeo Sadan

Hospital Management 
& Team of Expert Doctors 

Country : Bangladesh
Dr. Kamrul Islam Tuhin

B.H.M.S (DU), B. Com (Honor's) accounting
M,Com (Rajshahi University)
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Pabna Homoeopathic Medical Collage 

Country : Bangladesh
Dr. Shafiqur Rahman Forayzi

DHMS (BHB Dhaka), M.A, M.M (BMEM)
Homeopathic Consultant & Physician

Country : Bangladesh
Dr. Zahangir Bin Asrafy

DHMS (BHB) Dhaka.
BHMS- (On Course) Dhaka University. 
BTIS- Islamic University.
President: HDP- Rajshahi Division.

Country : Bangladesh
Dr. Md. Tarequl Islam Khan

PG hom (London) 
DHMS (BHB Dhaka)
PDT (Medicine)
Diploma in pathology (BJU)

Country : Bangladesh