Appointment Booking

এপয়েন্টমেন্ট টিউটোরিয়াল

মেডিক্যাল বোর্ডে এপয়েন্টমেন্ট নেয়ার টিউটোরিয়াল

Urology, Kidney, Urinary and Male genital diseases
HD Homeo Sadan

Hospital Management 
& Team of Expert Doctors 

Country : Bangladesh
Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman

P.G. Home (Allen College Of Homoeopathy, England)
Homoeopathic consultant 

Country : Bangladesh
Dr. Md. Shahnewaz Khan

DHMS, MA (Govt. Edward College), Ex lecturer Ashuliya Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital, Dhaka. 

Country : Bangladesh
Dr. Md Mahbub Alam Mahfuz

BHMS (Govt. Homeopathic Medical College)

Homoeopathic consultant 

Lecturer, Apex Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital


Country : Bangladesh